
Canadian Tire Fun

Last night Tracy and I took the SUV to Crappy Tire as I like to call it. There we were greeted with there latest automotive expert. All we wanted was a quick oil change. This "expert" tried selling us everything under the sun before we even opened the hood on the car. Tracy and I left and did some shopping wile they worked on our vehicle. We get a call saying that the coolant level is a bit low and needs to be topped up. Apparently it's Crappy Tire's policy to sell you 4L of prestone so they can put 100ml in your car! I know that when I take my car to Toyota they just top it up and don't even charge you for the top up. Must be a pretty nice little scam to charge everyone that walks in and need a coolant top up for a 4L jug. When we got back to pick up out Grand Vitara, there was no one there and we had to wait for ever. When some one finally showed up he told us that they suspect that the engine has a small leak and that we should take our Rav4 to KIA and have them take a look at it. I tried pretty hard not to laugh and ask if he enjoys the sound of his own voice. Its a Grand Vitara, it's made by Suzuki, the Rav4 is a Toyota product and KIA only wishes it made something as good as a Rav4 or Grand Vitara!
Needless to say we won't be taking our SUV back to Crappy Tire any time soon!

A Look Back at Team Canada

So that's it for team Canada - they were shut out 3 times and failed to get anything going - it reminds me a lot of the Nagno Olympics only worse. Things looked "OK" in the first game and thankfully it was against the Italians because I'’m pretty sure any other team would have pounded the crap out of Canada. The Canadians looks slow and confused, something they would manage to do in every game. Team Canada won the game 7-2 but only really looked good in the second period when they outscored Italy 5-2.
would look better in the game against Germany winning 5-2 but that confused appearance and slow skating was still evident, but you could still blame it on jet lag.
The house of card started to fall when they were shut out by the Swiss 2-0. It was still a preliminary game so it didn't matter much and hey they looked good in the third period. We reassured ourselves that it was just a fluke and a hot goalie.

That excuse didn't hold much water when they managed to lose by the same 2-0 score 24hrs later to the Finns. It was apparent then, to me anyway, that we had just sent over the best bunch of players that couldn't put the puck in the net. That was one thing that sort of stuck with a lot of people going into these Olympics. There were a lot of good players on this team but also a lot of good players that were not exactly have a good season as far a putting the puck in the net.
Canada rebounded a bit against the Czechs as they won 3-2 but they looked bad doing it and were out shot 33-16.
Canada played much better against the Russians and maybe if they had played that well against the Swiss and the Finns then maybe Canada could have gotten a much easier first round opponent, but then again maybe not. Maybe this is what Team Canada deserves.
Is this Grezky'’s fault? No it isn'’t. Sure he could have sent over the top 20 Canadian goal scorers but he didn't, he sent 20 of the best hockey players that were available. Just cause you can pop the puck in the net on the NHL ice doesn't mean you can do the same on a much bigger ice surface. It's a totally different game that required alot of speed and defensive positioning. Plain and simple the fault falls on the shoulders of the players. If you can'’t get motivated to play for Olympic Gold, you shouldn't be playing hockey. Let'’s hope the result is a lot better in Vancouver.


Where is Team Canada?

What the f#*ck is going on with team Canada? Did we replace the players with morons from Latvia or something? It's not enough to get shut out 2-0 by Switzerland and then follow it up with another 2-0 loss to Finland but then to go out and "win" a game against the Czechs 3-2 when they led 3-0 after 1 period and then managed just 8 more shots for the whole game! I'm thinking the Russians are gonna pound the crap out of Canada today! Don't get me wrong I'm hoping that we snap out of this and beat the Russians but it's gonna be a long road to get to that gold metal again.

Congrats goes out the women's team they pounded everyone in sight and looked good doing it!

Anyway - gotta get back to work again! Go Canada Go! Please show up and don't embarrass the nation!


Home Owner!

Well it's been a week since I last made a post here and what a week it's been! Last weekend Tracy and I started our house hunting and right away saw a house we loved! We move in the beginning of May and we can't wait. Other than that not much is new. Guess I got to start looking around for boxes and throwing out junk to make the move as easy as possible.
The house is a really nice 3 bedroom home with hardwood flooring and ceramic tile downstairs and carpet upstairs except for the bathrooms. The back yard has an above ground pool (I'm thinking a lot people will be coming over just for that little feature) and a huge deck.



Well it's Friday and for the NHL this week couldn't be over fast enough. First comes the gambling ring that Rick Tocchet financed, then the bomb shell that Jannet Jones used the ring to place bets, which automatically brings Mr. Gretzky into the picture.
If all that isn't enough, Jose Theodore, who's having a bad enough season as it is, tested positive for a banned substance. He claims it was in a hair growth treatment he's been taking. Oh well - maybe Dick Pound was on to something when he said the NHL is ramped with drug users.
I'm thinking Mr. Bettman can't wait for the Olympic break now - well then he can just sit there and squirm hoping that no one else test positive for anything. Gee I wonder if Rick Tocchet is taking bets on who will test positive first in Olympic Hockey?


Wednesday tid bits

Well, I'm back at work again after taking the last few days off sick. Why is it that when you are away everyone uses your desk as a dumping ground? I wasn't here for 2 days and suddenly my desk is the holding station for someone's new computer monitor and I've suddenly acquired a new recycling bin for paper which wouldn't be so bad if only for the fact that it's already so full of paper it keeps almost tipping over. No one seems to know where it came from or who put it there. Damb office gremlins!
I see the good people of Google are at it again. They've integrated there Google Talk with Gmail. It sounds pretty interesting being able to chat from with in Gmail with out downloading Google Talk, but I'm not convinced of how many people will use it of if it will close the gap for Google.
Better get back to work lots to do - you go away sick for a few days and the papers really pile up!


Just a Quick Check In

Just a quick check in. My birthday was this weekend, Saturday to be exact. Tracy and I had nice quiet day together, she got me a new jacket, two actually, a shell and a fleece to go under it, so far it seems pretty warm and it's a very nice blue colour. Got to say it looks much better than that green thing I've been wearing. Tracy also took me to the Keg (yes the Keg again!) and then we went out and blew our money at the Rideau Slots Casino. I also got a gift card from Tracy's parents for MEC - guess I'll have to go this weekend and get something. My parents gave me the Tragically Hip box set and my sister gave me a couple of movies (I love "Old School") and box of chocolates (hey wait a minute I'm on a diet - LOL).
Anyway I've been off sick today - I'll try to post something more tomorrow.


Quick Update

Just a quick post today - busy at work. The weight watchers thing continues, I'm down to 197.5, just another 2.5lbs to get to 195 I was before Christmas.
Not much else to say today.


Happy Groundhog Day!

Well it's that time of the year again where that little rodent in the ground makes his/her prediction and I for one think the rodent is a reliable as the "experts". This year they're saying an early spring.
A few things from the net have caught my attention today. The first is some MORON is suing Apple for hearing loss, I guess it's true common sense is dead. Any one with at least half an active brain cell knows that listening to anything really loud for extended periods of time leads to hearing loss. I hope Apple sues him for wasting their time.
Speaking of morons with half active brain cells - the dance music freak that live below me is pissing me off again. I'll go into the back ground a bit. This brain dead idiot moved in this summer, to the building I live in and is renting the one room apartment in the basement. Pretty much every night he blasts dance music and I have to go down and tell him to turn it down. You'd think that after a wile he'd get the idea that we upstairs can a) hear it and b) don't like it but he keeps it up. Now his apartment doesn't come with a parking space, but he continually parks in the landlord's spot and just by his dumb luck (and he has lots of it) the landlord hasn't been by any of those nights. Anyway - here the part where he's pissing me off - every time he parks there he parks just a little bit farther over and blocks just a bit more of the driveway preventing us from getting our car in and out of the driveway. This morning it was so far over I could barely get the car out. I get up at 5:30am everyday and go to the gym, so I'll have absolutely no problem going down and pounding on his door and getting him to move his piece of shit.
I'm actually starting to miss the guy that lived there before him, that guy practiced electric guitar but had the common sense to do it in the middle of the afternoon when everyone was out and or awake. The dance freak in the basement (any guy that listens to dance music this much must be gay - not that there is anything wrong with it.....) plays his music at 11:30pm, 10:30pm and so loud that if it is earlier in the evening it drowns out our TV.
The dance freak also likes to lock himself out of the building a lot. He relies on us to let him back in and he's done it so many time now he doesn't even say thanks when we let him in now. It's to the point were I'm actually thinking of turning off the door bell at the front. Problem is he has just enough, and I mean just enough, brain power to go to our side door and start pounding on that one. Hell he's even locked himself out of his apartment and then counted on poor Tracy to help him out in finding out landlord.
The absolute best tho was just a couple of nights ago when he sent his girlfriend up (we even get to hear them argue a lot. Probably something to do with his lack of brain cells) to ask if they could have some lemon juice. Let me get this straight now - you blast dance music constantly, lock your self out constantly and some how think it's our responsibility to let you in and you park your car so it's in the way and now you want us to give you lemon juice! YOUR NOT IN A COLLEGE DORM YOUR IN THE REAL WORLD NOW!
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